Project Inception and Pre Planning
Feasibility Studies
Where clients have an option on land, or require an overview of the main areas of potential environmental impact, these studies 
provide a valuable and low cost tool to screen out issues or highlight potential areas of concern. These may include a desk based
overview of likely air, noise, ecology, drainage, archaeology and transport issues.

Screening and Scoping Assessments
These are provided where a more formal assessment of the potential impacts is required and may include air and noise
screening, ecological appraisals, landscape and visual appraisals and phase 1 site assessment  from qualified professionals.

Sustainability Assessments
Sustainability assessments or appraisals can be required as part of the above or where a BREEAM /Code for Sustainable
Homes assessment is not being provided. They generally involve a matrix based assessment of transport, biodiversity, waste,
energy, drainage, flooding, landscape, community development and pollution site implications.

Planning Support
Environmental Impact  Assessments, such as Air, Noise or Waste require a detailed review of the site specifics alongside a
collation of all available data, in order to enable an informed scoping with the council. Where appropriate, monitoring and
modelling is used to examine the potential impacts and to help identify any mitigations required. 

Post Planning Products
Construction Environmental Management Planning is increasingly being required to ensure that all the appropriate
mitigations are applied within a controlled management plan which runs alongside the construction programme. Mayer Brown
CEMPS which include Site Waste Management Plans, have been running for several years and our format has strong support
from council Officers.

Project Inception and Pre Planning
Feasibility Studies
Screening and Scoping Assessment
Sustainability Assessment
Planning Support
Air and Noise Assessment
Low Emission Strategies
Waste Management
Post Planning Products
Construction Environmental Management
Site Waste Management
Air and Noise Monitoring